The mother and her adult son pictured here have the same rounded shoulders, the same posterior pelvic tilt that’s pulling their upper backs backward and probably shortening their torsos in the front. Their bodies look still–like it would take effort to move themselves from this position.
Are these habits of movement wrong? No. What they are is deep. So deep that they can make a mother and son look almost identical in their standing. So ingrained that these habits can wear down your body, because it’s always working in the same way–the way you stand is the way you wash dishes, or talk on the phone, or walk around the block.
Wouldn’t you like to be able to choose how you stand? To decide whether you want to be straight or slumped, and be totally relaxed either way? This is the privilege we all have as babies. We flow from one style of posture to the next, never stuck, never stopping, choosing what feels best for us in the moment.
Move Like Your Baby offers you that freedom of choice. Book your movement assessment here.